October 20, 2012

“P” Risotto

Posted in Food tagged , , , at 5:35 pm by Reva

I went back to work this week after taking only the 2nd full week off that I can remember since being diagnosed with ME/CFS.  I knew I’d struggle so I’ve spent this week eating leftovers out of my freezer.  So last night, the first day of my weekend, I decided to make use of all the yummy fresh veggies slowly wilting away in the bottom of my fridge.  And this is what I came up with:

Pumpkin, Pea and Prawn Risotto

First I diced a small butternut pumpkin and roasted it in the oven – I did this ahead of time so I could rest while it was cooking.  In a large pan I cooked 300g of defrosted uncooked prawns then removed them so they didn’t overcook.  Thin I browned a diced onion and clove of garlic and then added a sliced zucchini.  I added a cup of Arborio rice to the pan, tossed it around then added a glass of white wine and a teaspoon of vegetable stock powder.  As the wine was absorbed I slowly added boiling water, stirring the whole time (this is where I wish I had a bar stool to sit on).  Towards the end I returned the prawns, added the pumpkin and 250g of fresh shelled peas.  Once the rice was cooked I added about a ½ cup of grated parmesan and some cracked pepper.  Enough for about 4 serves (I froze 2 serves to help restock my freezer).